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Foreclosure Rescue Scam

January 19th, 2009 8:16 PM by Sam Kader MLO130505

In general FTC advises not to do business with any firm that:

a) Guarantees to stop your foreclosure irrespective of how much you owe or how much income you have to resolve unpaid bills.

b) Requires you to pay money upfront before any services have been rendered.

c) Tells you to avoid contacting your lender or servicers directly delegating all negotiating duties to the firm.

d) Instructs you to send mortgage payments to its office address instead of to your lender or servicer.

e) Ask you to turnover the title or deed to the property so that the company can be in a stronger position to deal with the lender.


Posted in:General
Posted by Sam Kader MLO130505 on January 19th, 2009 8:16 PM



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